We are well into the heating season!
The most sophisticated Patio Heating System for the 21st Century patio is here! What makes it the best? Simple…it works. It does what it is supposed to do: it keeps people on the patio or deck warm, no matter what! Producing gas-fired energy in the form of infrared waves, this heater warms the patio at the turn of a switch – performance which has been called “one step shy of magic.”
Create a warm, comfortable smoking area, increase your outdoor dining season by 70 percent, and look great doing it! Calcana Industries is in the business of heating outdoor dining and smoking areas… allowing you to serve more customers and increase profits!
CALL US TODAY TO FIND OUT WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO OUTFIT YOUR PATIO! 800-549-5077 www.gasoutdoorpatioheaters.com